There is a likelyhood of a mistake on the Pali text from Sutta Central or Tipitaka on “Paṭisambhidāmagga Paññāvagga 3.9. Vipassanākathā“ at the location SC22 which listed Asārakatoti as anattānupassanā which should be aniccānupassanā as seen from the “Paṭisambhidāmagga-aṭṭhakathā – Sariputta” text.
In the “Paṭisambhidāmagga-aṭṭhakathā – Sariputta” text on page 318 it is mentioned that the aniccānupassanā has the following:
Paññāsāti ‘‘aniccato palokato calato pabhaṅguto addhuvato vipariṇāmadhammato asārakato vibhavato saṅkhatato maraṇadhammato’’ti ekekasmiṃ khandhe dasa dasa katvā pañcasu khandhesu paññāsaṃ aniccānupassanā.
At the end of the “Paṭisambhidāmagga Paññāvagga 3.9. Vipassanākathā” at “SC26” it also mentioned “Paññāsa aniccānupassanā;” which means “50 of the khandha’s aniccānupassanā objects” and thus confirmed that there should be 10 aniccānupassanā objects.
So, Asāraka should be a aniccānupassanā contemplation object. @Akvan also pointed out in above post that he did not see Asāraka in the lists of anattānupassanā which should be a aniccānupassanā.
With mettā,
Seng Kiat