Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt



Maybe it is not really what you are looking for C. Saket, but these sutta’s deal with the question why some people attain Nibbana and others not:

In general, sutta’s mention there are really many things which are not conducive for realising Nibbana and those are, in fact, quit normal things, like beings longing for and involvement in sense-pleasures or even subtle mental states. But also immoral behaviour in thoughts, verbally and in deeds. Holding on to speculative views and wrong views. How many lives did we had the right mundane views? Attachment to equanimity. Shamelessness. No fear for wrong doing. Enjoying personal existence (love for samsara?). The five nivarana’s. Regarding Nibbana as mine or as who i am, etc.

A very nice sutta, i find is SN35.241. It gives a beautiful simile of the great log:

it shows how a great log in the River Ganges can lead all the way to the sea (nibbana) but can also not arrive there. In a very nice way it shows what are the obstacles for realising Nibbana.

Hang in there!
