Reply To: Could bodily pain be due causes other than kamma vipaka?


Hi Lal,

In your latest post, you said “This vicious cycle of “vipāka” leading to new “kammā” (via acting with avijjā), which in turn lead to more “vipāka”, is the process that binds us to the samsāra of endless rebirths…”

I associate our kamma and vipaka to the 2 sides of a coin. The coin, being our 5 khandhas. As long as we exist, we are the coin that has these 2 sides.

This is somewhat related to the other post – Two unbroken streams of consciousness (DN28) where we discussed the meaning of “This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self”. Kaya sankhara, vaci sankhara, and mano sankhara rise and pass away rapidly into the past. Once executed, there is no way we can change them. We know that our strong sankhara would create kamma beeja in the mano loka for nature to impart vipaka onto us in future. Thus, I reckon the only logical and right way to view all mental and physical phenomena is to see it as ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self’. Otherwise, we will be seeing all events with ignorance and perpetually fuel more future existence for ourselves.