Inflib said: “I read in one of your posts that the gandhabba has control of body movements, like a driver of a car.”
This may be hard for you to imagine, but gandhabba is you. You control your physical body, just like a drive controls her car.
This is why when the gandhabba (mental body) comes out of the physical body during some heart operations, the physical body is sometimes declared “dead” by the surgeons, but a little later gandhabba re-enters the body and the body becomes live. You may want to read a book by a heart surgeon on his case studies: ““Consciousness Beyond Life”, by Pim van Lommel (2010)”.
Also, the post: “Manomaya Kaya and Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)“.
2. You said, “strange body twitchings..”. These could also be due to neurological problems. The brain does play a role in controlling the body, on the commands of the gandhabba: “Brain – Interface between Mind and Body”.
But sometimes, the brain may have “slight defects” causing such inadvertent twitchings. You may want to see a neurologist to see whether it is that.
3. You said, “I also have these interesting eye lights that move around the perimeter of my vision. They correspond to the Dharma wheel by flashing and circling (I.e., circling right, 5 o’clock to 3 o’clock = wrong action, wrong speech), typically white light.”
The mind can create all sorts of illusions. People who do breath meditation see these things all the time. My suggestion is to ignore them.
3. You said, “One other thing that is probably worth mentioning, I feel like a million watt lightbulb. Off the surface of the body is radiating energy. I’ve felt it turn on like a light switch a couple times when I woke up out of deep sleep, otherwise it’s on all the time. It moves outward from the heart center. Is it possible that this is the gandhabba extending outward?”
It is possible that it is due to gandhabba. A series of books have been written by Robert Monroe. In his first book, “Journeys Out of the Body: The Classic Work on Out-of-Body Experience (1992)” he described his first OBE experience when he realized that his hand went through the floor. Obviously, it was not his physical hand, but the hand of the gandhabba. Later, his whole mental body came out of the body, and there are many accounts of his “out-of-body” travels. However, unlike those with abhinna powers, he could not control where he went, but of course he could always come back to his body when he wanted to.
In his book, “Travels”, famous author of the Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton (1988, p. 307) mentions his ability to “shift my awareness out of my body and move it around the bedroom”, and he says, “..I didn’t think anything about it… I assumed that anybody could do it..”.
So, don’t be frightened if you do come out of your physical body. Apparently there some who do it on a regular basis:
Canadian student has “out of body experiences” whenever she wants