Reply To: Could bodily pain be due causes other than kamma vipaka?


Hi all,

I would like to share a nice write-up on kamma from a bhante.

“Other Factors Which Support Kamma

Although Buddhism says that man can eventually control his karmic force, it does not state that everything is due to kamma. Buddhism does not ignore the role played by other forces of nature. According to Buddhism there are five orders or processes of natural laws(niyama) which operate in the physical and mental worlds:

– seasonal laws (utu niyama): physical inorganic order e.g., seasonal phenomena of winds and rains, etc.
– the biological laws (bija niyama): relating to seasonal changes etc.,
– the kammic law (kamma niyama): relating to moral causation or the order of act and result,
– natural phenomena (dhamma niyama): relating to electrical forces, movement of tides etc., and
– psychological laws (citta niyama): which govern the processes of consciousness.

Thus kamma is considered only as one of the five natural laws that account for the diversity in this world.”