Reply To: Sutta Piṭaka — Diṭṭhi Saṃyutta — Chapter 1 – Sotāpatti (Paṭhamo) Vagga


Hi Tobias,

A sutta which made things more clear to me is SN22.89.

It makes clear, i belief, until someone is an arahant, with regard to the five clinging-aggregates a lingering residual ‘I am’ conceit, an ‘I am’ desire, an ‘I am’ obsession still remains in the mind.

So, this means (i belief), there is in the mind of everybody who is not yet an arahant a sense of subjectivity in the mind. It is the sense that an I or person does the experiencing, and is alive and will die. This sense of subjectivity keeps colouring mind and this colour keeps controlling also our reactions/behaviour. This remaining colour of subjectivity is the most deepest and intense fetter. The most hard to overcome. A sotapanna has not yet overcome this fetter.

So, although a sotapanna does not fully identify with the body (and other khandha) and does also not regard the body (and other khandha) as his possesion (my own) there remains that lingering residual “i am” conceit in him/her with regard to the khandha’s. There is is still a sense of subjectivity.

A arahant is even free from this residuel conceit “I am”, this residual longing “I am” and this residual obession “I am”. Mind is freed from every sense of subjectivity. Overcome is the deep ingraned habit to belief that a person or subject is living and experiencing. Until this moment avijja-anusaya is not eradicated.

So this shows also, i belief, avijja basically refers to the influence or fetter or habit that initiates mind to belief it is a person, a being, a self, an ego, a subject, who does the experiencing and who is living and will die.

The freedom of the conceit “I am” the Buddha called the greatist bliss.

kind regards,