Reply To: Sutta Piṭaka — Diṭṭhi Saṃyutta — Chapter 1 – Sotāpatti (Paṭhamo) Vagga


Hi Tobias,

You can read DN3, DN5, DN14, MN56, SN35.74 on Sutta Central. As far i know i cannot refer to alinea’s.

In the Digha Nikāya translation of Walshe i refer to this fragment:

“And as Pokkharasati sat there, the Lord delivered a graduated discourse on generosity, on morality and on heaven, showing the danger, degradation and corruption of sense desires, and the profit of renunciation. And when the Lord
knew that Pokkharasati’s mind was ready, pliable, free from the hindrances, joyful and calm, then he preached a sermon on Dhamma in brief: on suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the path. And just as a clean cloth from which all stains have been removed receives the dye perfectly, so in the Brahmin
Pokkharasati, as he sat there, there arose the pure and spotless Dhamma-eye, and he knew: ‘Whatever things have an origin must come to cessation.”

This fragment is quite the same in the other sutta’s, but only other persons are mentioned.

In note 140 Digha Nikāya, Walshe says: “The opening of the Dhamma-eye (dhamma-cakkhu) is a term for ‘entering the stream’ and thus being set irrevocably
on the path (…).

hope this is helpfull, kind regards,