Reply To: Useful Essays from DRARISWORLD and Other Websites


Pancha Verabhaya Sutta: Discourse on five types of Hate and Fear

Householder, when a noble disciple has quelled five types of hate and fear, and is endowed with the four factors of a Stream Enterer, and has clearly seen and thoroughly penetrated the noble way with wisdom, if he wishes, he may declare of himself: ‘I have finished with further rebirth in hell, the realm of animals, the realm of hungry ghosts, finished with the plane of misery, the bad destination, the suffering state. I am a Stream Winner, no longer bound for the underworld, sure of reaching enlightenment as my destination’.”

What are the five types of hate and fear that he has quelled?”

Householder, one who kills any living beings generates hate and fear in this life, and generates hate and fear in the next life too, and experiences pain and sadness. But for one who abstains from killing any living beings, that hate and fear are quelled.”


“Householder, one who steals generates hate and fear in this life, and generates hate and fear in the next life too, and experiences pain and sadness. But for one who abstains from stealing, that hate and fear are quelled.”


“Householder, one who engages in sexual misconduct generates hate and fear in this life, and generates hate and fear in the next life too, and experiences pain and sadness. But for one who abstains from engaging in sexual misconduct, that hate and fear are quelled.”


“Householder, one who tells lies generates hate and fear in this life, and generates hate and fear in the next life too, and experiences pain and sadness. But for one who abstains from telling lies, that hate and fear are quelled.”


“Householder, one who indulges in strong drinks, distilled drinks, and fermented drinks that lead to heedlessness, generates hate and fear in this life, and generates hate and fear in the next life too, and experiences pain and sadness. But for one who abstains from indulging in strong drinks, distilled drinks, and fermented drinks that lead to heedlessness, that hate and fear are quelled.”


“These are the five types of hate and fear that he has quelled.”

4 qualities of an sotāpanna 

1.Unshakable confidence with wisdom (aveccappasāda) in the Awakened One (Buddha).

2.Unshakable confidence with wisdom (aveccappasāda) in the Buddha’s teaching (Dhamma).

3.Unshakable confidence with wisdom (aveccappasāda) in the Buddhist Monastics (Sangha).

4.Unbroken and perfect morality that is pleasing to the Noble ones (Ariya kanta sīla). (4)

I suspect a misinterpretation in traductions of this sutta. Maybe Sir Lal can read and clear this if he had the time.