Reply To: Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness


Brett has asked a question in response to a comment by me above on January 28, 2020, at 2:08 pm.

The question is as follows:
Following is taken from your posts:

The mind does not exist just by itself. There must be at least a trace of matter for the mind to exist.

7. Thus to attain Nibbāna is to attain the perfectly purified mind, which refuses to be burden with a physical body that leads to decay and rebirth repeatedly (and thus to dukkha).

8. In the 31 realms, one is born with a dense body (kāma loka), fine-material body (rūpa loka), or only a trace of “matter” in the form of “gati” (arūpa loka). When the mind becomes free of a “body” anywhere in the 31 realms, that is Nibbāna. This is another way to understand Nibbāna

if the mind requires matter to be then what exactly is pure mind?? just Hadaya Vathu?

Hadaya vatthu is NOT the mind. It is the “seat of the mind.”

A mind is not “ON” at all times. Only when a sensory input comes in via one of the six sensory inputs does the mind “turns on.”

So, it is a bit deeper issue of what is meant by a “pure mind.”
– A given lifestream has ever-changing “gati” (related to “anusaya” or hidden defilements) associated with it.
– When the Noble Eightfold Path is followed, those anusaya gradually fade away. At Arahanthood, there will be none left.
– That is when the mind becomes “totally pure.”
– In other words, when a sensory input comes into such a pure mind, it will not respond by defiled actions.

You can read posts on “gati” and ‘anusaya” by searching with the “Search” box on the top right.
– Please feel free to ask questions. It is a good question.