Reply To: Post on “Wrong View of Creationism (and Eternal Future Life) – Part 2”


y not wrote: “I have been trying to say is that the ‘Infinite Monkey Theorem’ does not hold. Just because there is an infinite time ahead available does not mean that a monkey will eventually hit all the right keys on a typewriter to produce the text of any given book, likewise a being does not of neccessity attain Nibbana in the infinite future..”

That is right.
By the way, you can find that thread by typing, “Infinite Monkey Theorem” in the Search box for the forum (not the at the main site Search box).

Siebe asked: “has Nibbana a beginning?”

Yes. The full and complete Nibbana starts at the death of an Arahant (at Parinibbana). No more suffering forever after that.