37 Factors of Enlightenment

Revised January 20, 2016; May 13, 2019; March 11, 2020; August 20, 2022 (added references)

1. The 37 factors of Enlightenment (Bōdhipakkhiya Dhamma) are the combined number of individual factors in:

2. These factors focus on various mental factors (cetasika) and citta that incorporate those cetasika. They are labeled with different names under each category in the table below to highlight their application.

  • For example, the paññā cetasika is labeled as vīmaṁsā in Four Bases of Mental Power, as dhammavicaya in Satta Bojjhaṅga, and as Sammā Diṭṭhi in the Noble Eightfold Path.
  • Under each category, I have listed the term used for that cetasika. For example, in the Noble Eightfold Path, Sammā Vāyāma is the viriya cetasika.
  • Thus, even though there are 37 factors of Enlightenment, only 14 cetasika will be cultivated while cultivating all seven of the above categories.
  • Those seven categories are all interrelated. Thus, all 37 factors may be cultivated by focusing only on Cattārō Satipaṭṭhāna, Satta Bojjhaṅga, or the Noble Eightfold Path.

3. In the “Bhāvanā Sutta (AN 7.71),” the Buddha explained that one needs to cultivate those 37 factors to reach Nibbāna.

4. It is also important to realize that cetasika is related to one’s character (gati): “Cetasika – Connection to Gati

5. The Four Supreme Efforts (Cattārō Sammāppadhāna) are the efforts to purify the mind: (i) remove defilements (akusala) that have arisen, (ii) prevent new defilements (akusala) from arising, (iii) enhance wholesome states (kusala) that have arisen, (iv) initiate new wholesome states (kusala).

6. All 37 factors of enlightenment are fulfilled at the Arahant stage.

Parameter InvolvedFour Supreme EffortsIddhipadaFive FacultiesFive PowersFour Factors of Mindfulness7 Factors of Enlightenment Path Factors
Panna (wisdom)vimansapannapannadhammavicayasamma ditthi
Vitakka (initial application)samma sankappa
Samma vacasamma vaca
Samma kammanata samma kammanata
Samma ajivasamma ajiva
Viriyafour efforts (see #4 above)viriyaviriyaviriyaviriyasamma vayama
Sati (mindfulness)satisatikaya,vedana,
satisamma sati
Samadhi (one-pointedness)samadhisamadhisamadhisamma samadhi
Saddha (faith)saddhasaddha
Chanda (desire)chanda
Piti (joy)piti
Passaddhi (tranquility)passaddhi
Upekkha (equinimity)upekkha

6. Also see “Two Versions of 37 Factors of Enlightenment.”