My understanding of assadā, saṅkhāra, viññana and dukkhā.

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Lal.
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    • #37982

      With assadā we do various abhisankhāra,
      This abhisankhāra leads to “sankhāra paccayā viññana” step.

      Meanwhile, growing viññana also leads to sankhāra. Through “Viññana paccayā sankhāra”.

      They both reinforce each other.

      Assadā is responsible/cause for future suffering.

      But, more Fundamental causes are six root Causes. (Assadā comes from lack of paññā, if I am not wrong.)

      Because, If one had deep paññā,
      One would not have views of Puthujjano (that various saṅkhata are niccā, sukkhā, atta),
      One would not have vipareetha saññā, one would understand how PañcaUpādānaKhandha leads to constant unending suffering.

      With this deeply established ariya views one would not generate any assadā for most saṅkhata. (In case of Arhant, for no object.)

      Because, six root causes are responsible for prevention of nibbanā. When removed nibbanā becomes apparent and visible.

      So, removal of six root causes are nissarana from assadā.

      Also, one thing I noticed while reading post about assadā was that assadā was also called Āsvāda And Āsvāda means tasteless in my mother language. Which is also, consistent with analogy of dog eating bone and experiencing some short of pleasure. Despite absence of any taste in bone. It generates assadā. Which is actually Āsvāda.

      And one question:

      What would be connection between assadā and samphassa-jā-vēdanā?

    • #37984

      Yes. That is a good description.
      – But the Pali word is assāda, not assadā.
      – We attach to some things (visuals, sounds, etc) in this world because they are likable. For example, a person of the opposite sex may look attractive, and one may like the sound of a piece of music, etc. Then we start thinking, speaking, and doing things (with mano, vaci, and kaya sankhara) to make them “ours” and to enjoy them more. Sometimes that makes us do immoral things. At a less damaging level, they make us bound to the “kama loka.”

      Regarding your question, see, “Kāma Assāda – A Root Cause of Suffering” and “Kāma Assāda Start with Phassa Paccayā Vedanā or Samphassa-Jā-Vedana

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