Dhamma sermons by Ven. Bopitiye Sadaham Pasala

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Lal.
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    • #41995
      Sammasambodhi Gami

      May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with everyone !!!

      Sharing with you all the Authentic Dhamma sermons by Ven. Bopitiye Sadaham Pasala Thero   

      Sadu Sadu Sadu 

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    • #41996
      y not

      Thank you Saket,

      I habitually check this site for new uploads and had been waiting for #06.


      Much Merit to you

    • #43574
      y not

      #07 in the Series is out. 

      And for those who have not noticed, the Waharaka Thero Waruna Site has of late been uploading

      one desana in a week or so.  

      May all progress to final deliverance from suffering and attain the Bliss of Nibbana

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    • #43616
      Sammasambodhi Gami

      Thanks a lot Mr. y not for the update. 

      May you achieve the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana !!! 

    • #45160
      y not

      #09 ‘The Chain of Actions’  premiered 6 hrs ago

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    • #45228
      Tobias G

      The Thero translates kayo or kaya as “action”. I know it as “body” or “collection”.


    • #45240

      Yes. It is not quite correct to translate “kaya” as “action” (especially regarding the five aggregates.)

      • “Kaya” in reference to the five aggregates almost always refers to those aggregates. 
      • This is a bit complex issue. I hesitated to comment on this. But as we know each aggregate, (for example the rupa aggregate) includes ALL past, future, and paccuppanna rupa ever experienced.
      • See “The Five Aggregates (Pañcakkhandha)
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