Reply To: Saññā

Tobi-Wan Kenobi

Hello Lal,<br /><br />
I got the pictures from the web, sorry, so I can’t help you with the book title at the moment.<br /><br />
The two pictures “young/old woman” also help with understanding “Ditthis”. Because Ditthis contain several Sanna/pictures that are integrated in a temporal sequence. In order to cultivate samma Ditthis, I believe we have to achieve “samadhi” without any distraction, because otherwise we cultivate this distraction with. This cultivated addition is not immediately apparent but is usually noticeable in the form of “vedana” feelings that raise the “entity mind”.<br /><br />
Every “Sanna” or “citta”, which represents the “Sanna”, is in my opinion connected to a certain level of the mind. It is a highly complex structure of a thought that flows continuously. <br /><br />
So wandering, with mindfulness on the moment and Bhavana always without any distraction in order to keep the thought as free of distractions as possible in Samadhi.<br /><br />
This should also be conveyed with the images, I wanted to keep the text as short as possible.

P.S. “Ditthis” are of course also related to Gati, asava, Anusaya etc., but here me are only concerned with cultivation, i.e. in relation to Satipatthana…


As your Lay online student, I thank you for the many translations/reports/corrections and remain with great respect. Tobi