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There are three layers of suffering: dukkha dukkha, viparinama dukkha, and sankhara dukkha.

I arranged them in deep order.

The first step is to understand the law of kamma.

The punna(good) kamma can give us happiness(good vipaka).

The akusala(bad) kamma can give us suffering(bad vipaka).

So we can see that the suffering is due to the bad kamma.

It means you’ll pay for what you do, good or bad.

But we don’t need Buddha Dhamma to know it.

The second step is to understand mortality.

Everything born must die one day.

Naked we come into the world, and naked we leave it.

No matter how good it is, it will be over one day.

But we don’t need Buddha Dhamma to know it, either.

The third step is to understand the danger of samsara.

When we understand sankhara dukkha, we understand how to chunk the two previous dukkha.

We suffer when we make an effort inconsistent with nature’s laws. (dukkha dukkha)

For example, they believe that evil can cause happiness, that they can achieve happiness without providing the right conditions, or that an inappropriate way is appropriate.

It is linked to ‘aññathā(unexpected change of sankhata)’. (aññathattaṁ saṅkhatalakkhaṇa)

Unpredictable changes make it difficult to grasp the conditions that must be prepared to achieve happiness.

This creates a time gap between happiness and effort.

Efforts to narrow this gap forcefully harm other beings(akusala kamma).

And someday, it gives us bad vipaka.

Therefore, all efforts inconsistent with the laws of nature must lead to suffering.

Furthermore, we suffer when we make an effort consistent with nature’s laws too. (viparinama dukkha)

Even if we do all good deeds and birth in the good realms, we can’t help ourselves from running up against death. (vayo saṅkhatalakkhaṇa)

So, all efforts consistent with the laws of nature must lead to suffering.

This is a dead-end ally in samsara. As long as we think that the choice to continue samsara is a good thing, we must meet it.

As long as you try to find happiness in samsara, there must be suffering. (sankhara dukkha)

This is the essence of Buddha Dhamma.

That is why the sankhara dukkha is “the great danger

Ne 5 “tasmā saṅkhāradukkhatā dukkhaṁ lokassāti katvā dukkhamassa mahabbhayanti”


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