Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana


vedanā-samosaraṇā sabbe dhammā

I discussed that on this thread on April 19, 2018, at 8:06 pm.

There I wrote, “Again, the point is that not only “kaya vedana” but vedana due to all six senses lead to the mind making good or bad decisions, which end up in “sabbe dhamma” in the above verse, “vedanā-samosaraṇā sabbe dhamma”, which now we can translate as, “all types of vedana coming together to lead to each and all dhamma”.

Sarana” means something like “help”/”depend on.”
– That may help a little bit to see nirukti.

The point is the following.
– “Dhammā” in the above verse refers to the kamma bija/kamma bhava created via PS. “Dhammā bear everything in this world” and created by our minds with abhisankhara as explained in PS.
– The verse “Ye dhamma hetuppabbhava” means that! It means “All dhammā in this world arise due to causes (they are greed, hate, ignorance),” as the Buddha explained. See “Ye Dhammā Hetuppabhavā.. and Yam Kiñci Samudaya Dhammam..
– But it all starts with an arammana coming to mind and us getting attached to it. If we get attached, we generate “samphassa-ja-vedana” (due to greed, hate, ignorance) that leads to tanha, upadana, in PS leading to “upadana paccaya bhava.” That is how dhammā (as in kamma bija/kamma bhava) arise.
– Therefore, dhammā cannot arise without vedana, specifically “samphassa-ja-vedana“. Thus, “vedanā-samosaraṇā sabbe dhammā