Reply To: SN 44.10 With Ānanda / Ānandasutta

… This dictionary states anattā (n. and predicative adj.) not a soul, without a soul. Most freq. in combn. with dukkha & anicca There seems to be no difference…

Reply To: Buddha’s Views on Responsibilities

Sigalovada Sutta – The Layman’s Code of Discipline Download link: (Sorry not able write in a clean way, using mobile phone for this posting.)…

Various Suttas translation explaining many misconceptions Many of those suttas explains misconceptions related to food one can have etc. the essence of what really matters. They are not perfect translation probably but the meaning can…

Girimananda Sutta (AN 10:60) Any chance that we get full translation or exposition like Satipatthana? This translation have plenty of mistakes….