Reply To: Ashta Vimoksha

Thanks Seng. Atta Vimokka is explained in the Maha Parinibbana Sutta. The link to the pali is; In the Puggala pannatti, a panna vimutta person is explained to be…

Reflections on 2015

www in the address line: It should just be: Normally, typing just “” should direct to Or, one could Google search “puredhamma” and the link will come out…

Curiosity Rover finds Crater probably was once a Giant Martian Lake

…more to come, especially if technology is developed to explore distant stars. Here is a report that came out today, Dec 9, 2014, which has another video by NASA:…

6. Anāpānasati Bhāvanā (Introduction)

…settle down and not come up (assuming that we are staying away from committing the BIG EIGHT immoral acts). However, this calming down or getting to Samatha is a TEMPORARY…

What is Suñyāta or Suññāta (Emptiness)?

…extracted from, Normally, I come across many English translations that are bad and even erroneous, but fortunately, this translation is fairly good. The highlighting in the link below is…

A confusion related to attaining the fourth path in a pure abode:

…Once again, sir, thank you! I have been reading “A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada” by Venerable. Mahasi Sayadaw In this chapter it says that Venerable Ugga obtained Arhatship in the…

Reply To: Difficulty accepting the 31 realms theory

…both. To know more about 31 realms, reading this book “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” by Venerable Bhante Suvanno and the article “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” at “” helps….