Reply To: Sotapanna information from the Sutta-pitaka

…that the 7 lives that a saththakathuparama has left doesn’t really refer to bava. This deshana is specifically answering a question about this specific topic in the Janavasabha Sutta.…

Reply To: If You Were To Die Tomorrow…

…responding to the original post in this series, I mentioned the story of the weaver’s daughter, and my impression was that death awareness practice does remove defilements. Best, Lang…

Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

Waharaka Thero – Universal Truth Exposure | Episode 07 – Know the Thilakuna Have I understood this correctly? At 39:57 of the video. The subtitle says the “Dukkhaskandha (the…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

…Dhamma deshanas in English then please visit this: And yes, please share the merits of listening to Sadhamma to all sentient beings ! MAY ALL BEINGS ATTAIN NIBBANA !!!…

Reply To: First jhana?

Hi Zapper, you didn’t experience jhana – first jhana feels like peak sexual pleasure that does not come down and even goes beyond bodily pleasure. I’m saying that some people…

Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt

…: “However, at a deeper level, there is no “person” or a “satta” that lives and sees, hears, smells, tastes, touch things, and thinks AT THE SAME TIME. There is…