Reply To: Sutta Desana

…Buddha Dhamma desanas” in English language. However there are some desanas available on the internet. You might want to listen to this : MAY ALL BEINGS ACHIEVE NIBBANA !!!…

Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt

…only one time or two times but INFINITE NUMBER OF TIMES in “pi” ! For reference, please see – Also please see this – Since samsara has no…

Sutta chanting

…Listening to Sutta chantings have some subtle benefits too. So here are the recordings : The Sutta chantings can also be found here : MAY ALL BEINGS ATTAIN…

Reply To: Sutta chanting

…and Sangha. Here is a nice video depicting the same (it is not a Sutta chanting) : Whenever I see it (and listen it), I feel joy and blissful.…

Reply To: Questions about Bhante Waharaka

…monks is in English. You can search for the sermons on youtube “Dharmayai Obai BBE”. Below is a link to one such sermon. BBE stands for Budhu Bana English.…

Reply To: Tilakhanna III

…want to see real dukha and real anatta, please watch the video “Earthlings” at this site: I must warn that there are very disturbing scenes after about 10-15 minutes.

Reply To: If You Were To Die Tomorrow…

…Elsewhere, I read the story about the weaver’s daughter, and that story gave me the impression that keeping death awareness can take one to the sotapanna stage. Thank you….

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…invited! As time progresses more people will join it. Details: English Dhamma discussions 01 by Ven. Lal Ariyaratna Pinnaduwage ( Sunday, 14th January, 2024 (12:30 GMT) Google meetup link:…