Gandhabba: Lying in Wait for Appropriate Womb

…“What is Realism in Quantum Mechanics and How Can it be Non-local” (Wechlser, Sofia), “Non-locality and Entanglement,” Please note: With these readings I am not looking for specific answers,…

Reply To: Various questions

…origin, many of which are still floating around today. You might find reading it tedious… Try listening to it instead- I found it made a significant difference in understanding.…

Reply To: The "Deathless"?

…of Salt draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Piṭaka”. Am I doing this correctly ? Hope so.…

Reply To: Hemavata sutta

…more assistance. Lal said: “But something appears to be wrong with the above extractions from that document. ” I think so too. Especially now after finding this from palikanon:…

anicca, dukkha, anatta in Sinhala

…, anicca, dukkha, anatta is අනිච්ච දුක්ඛ අනත්ත. This site specifically talks about “the 3 words and 8 letters” After some playing with, a unicode Sinhala script encoder, it…

Reply To: Pathama Metta Sutta (AN 4.125)

Hi Upekkha, This is the link to the Youtube channel; Most of the sermons are in Sinhala but there are a few in English as well. The English sermons…

Gandhabba and comatose state

Hi All, You have probably heard of a woman who was reported to be comatose for the last 14 years, being sexually assaulted and giving birth to a baby (….

Reply To: A thought on Paticca Samuppada and Nibbana

…talk, but in the 1st 25 minutes itself he talks about all these points. I have given the link below, I hope others will listen and give their input.…

There is new study about dark matter

…longer have that property and act just like regular matter and pulling the universe together, maybe even back to the singularity. This video he goes briefly about the subject:…

Reply To: what does ending of sakkaya ditthi really mean?

…Anatta explanation and other than that, it is a good place to understand on Nibbana. In the Jatasutta of the Samyutta Nikāya, Buddha hints on Nibbana as under: Yattha…