Reply To: Vipassana Meditation After Sotapanna Stage

…to Sit in comfortable position, listen to it and let energy flow as you listen, contemplate Dhamma – attain 4 jhanas and from 4th contemplate Dhamma to full completion…

Reply To: Meditation Manifest

Dear Lal, I need you write a bit more about it: “Yes. That is true. But depending on the type of meditation, results can be temporary or permanent.” Lair (…

Reply To: Sakkaya vs Sakkaya ditthi

Two other sources for listening to the dhamma besides what’s already mentioned are: Lal recommended this Thero’s desena’s on this website if one hasn’t already seen / come across. It’s…

Reply To: How can vedana paccaya phassa?

…should be comfortable, but being too comfortable might lead to sleepiness. I am really glad that I found this website, which have given me lots of insight into my practice,…