Reply To: 5 Hindrances

Thank you for the clarification of vicikicca, and especially the added explanation of khanka vicikicca. I did some searching and found this: Mahanama Sutta I wonder if this is…

Reflections on 2015

…prepares the field, uses good seeds, and once they germinate he makes sure to keep the weeds out and provide necessary nutrients. He does not waste time worrying about the…

Schizophrenia and the mind

Hi All, I recently read an article on Schizophrenia. I was curious about what is defined as “Positive symptoms”: What is it that causes patients to Hear or see…

Attitude towards kamaloka devas

From “It is a common belief amongst the Buddhist public that such deities can be influenced to grant their favours by transferring merits to them whenever meritorious deeds are…

Reply To: SN 44.10 With Ānanda / Ānandasutta

… This dictionary states anattā (n. and predicative adj.) not a soul, without a soul. Most freq. in combn. with dukkha & anicca There seems to be no difference…

Correct translation of this beauiful Goenka chant

Hello there :) Lal, could you please translate this beautiful buddhist chant correctly if your have some time? My intuitions are such, that some words of this chant could…

Girimananda Sutta (AN 10:60) Any chance that we get full translation or exposition like Satipatthana? This translation have plenty of mistakes.