Reply To: Difficulty accepting the 31 realms theory

…both. To know more about 31 realms, reading this book “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” by Venerable Bhante Suvanno and the article “The Thirty-One Planes of Existence” at “” helps….

Reply To: Ashta Vimoksha

…the 8 jhana while vimutta (vimukta) can be taken to mean becoming free (nibbana) like Lal has explained. Any other ideas? or other places anyone has come across these terms?…

Curiosity Rover finds Crater probably was once a Giant Martian Lake

…more to come, especially if technology is developed to explore distant stars. Here is a report that came out today, Dec 9, 2014, which has another video by NASA:…

6. Anāpānasati Bhāvanā (Introduction)

…Mind Rewires the Brain via Meditation/Habits.” The same thing works to break bad habits by NOT doing it whenever that comes to mind. Then, existing neural connections will get weaker….

What is Suñyāta or Suññāta (Emptiness)?

…one’s mind becomes suñya of rāga, dōsa, and mōha. But one still has saññā (perception), vēdanā (feelings), etc. and lives like a normal human being until death. But his/her mind…