Reply To: Hemavata sutta

…more assistance. Lal said: “But something appears to be wrong with the above extractions from that document. ” I think so too. Especially now after finding this from palikanon:…

Reply To: Sotapanna information from the Sutta-pitaka

…that the 7 lives that a saththakathuparama has left doesn’t really refer to bava. This deshana is specifically answering a question about this specific topic in the Janavasabha Sutta.…

Reply To: Arahanthood Without Purpose

When Ven. Moggallana was Dusi by name? Maratajjaniya sutta MN 50 ? I only found an audio of it and have no time to listen to it right now. /…

Theory of relativity and Citta (There are definitely better movies out there, but this was the first one I found in English.) Theory of Reativity and Citta Now I have a question about Albert…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma – Hindi Website

…benefit of ourselves as well as many others. The website is: Lal: If you think that it is not appropriate to post about this here, I am happy to…

Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary

…manic episode.. being mentally-ill makes for I guess you could call “Life On Hard-Mode” =P — and to have these playing throughout the house instead of hard rock:…