SN 35.95 Malunkyaputta Sutta: To Malunkyaputta One of Bahiya Sutta type with quick way to attaining Nibbana ( Now we need to fix errors of English translation to be really effective. I’m trying to make…

Reply To: Consciousness (Mind v Brain) Citta Vithi

… ] [See also interesting note by Thanissaro Bhikkhu: (“Note Cv.V.33.1”) [pati:] [icca:] [sama:] [uppada (उप्पाद):] With regard to “the outline:” You had made the…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…these without attending the courses (no context), but since these are in the public domain from VRI, I feel better. Discourses on Satipatthana Discourses in a 10-day course

AN 10.81 and MN72, about the nature of the Buddha I belief both sutta’s describe the nature of the Tathagata and therefor the Budddha. In MN72 it is said: …” Freed from the classification of form (and the…

There is new study about dark matter

…longer have that property and act just like regular matter and pulling the universe together, maybe even back to the singularity. This video he goes briefly about the subject:…

Excellent Sinhala Discourses by a Young Thero

…Buddha Dhamma with such insight at such a young age, he is likely to be a Jāti Sotapanna. Those who understand the Sinhala language can follow these discourses at:…

Reply To: what does ending of sakkaya ditthi really mean?

…Anatta explanation and other than that, it is a good place to understand on Nibbana. In the Jatasutta of the Samyutta Nikāya, Buddha hints on Nibbana as under: Yattha…

Reply To: sankhara as support for rebirth

…of the mind after clinical death, here is one of the videos: The minority of the scientists seem to arrive at the tip of the iceberg as of now….

Reply To: Split Reincarnation

…a gandhabba takes hold of a 3,5 year old child, whose old Gandhabba has left. Another case is this one, that would be a good recommendation: “” The relevant part:”The…