Reply To: Thai Forest Tradition

…gave real details on how they travel on this path. If you are interested check these out. 1. Ajahn Mahaboowa Magga, Phala, and Nibbana Autobiography of Ajahn Dtun…

Reply To: Thai Forest Tradition

…path. If you are interested check these out. 1. Ajahn Mahaboowa Magga, Phala, and Nibbana Autobiography of Ajahn Dtun As for the rest of the Ajahns, if you…

Reply To: Consciousness (Mind v Brain) Citta Vithi

…At present I am the president of a Buddhist not for profit organization known as the Panna Foundation for Buddhist Studies. Pema Chodron: Panna Journey: Panna Foundation:…

Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

…text for the First Discourse Second Video: English and Sinhala text for the Second Discourse Third Video: English and Sinhala text for the Third Discourse June 25, 2020…

Reply To: Pain

…answer my question about pain management?” One needs to go to a physician (take appropriate medicine) for physical pain management. In order to lessen self-induced mental suffering, one needs to…


…so they completely understand principles. Tassa dhammesu dhammānupassino viharato dhammā pariññātā honti. When principles are completely understood they realize the deathless.” Dhammānaṁ pariññātattā amataṁ sacchikataṁ hotī”ti. I would like to…

Reply To: Pathama Metta Sutta (AN 4.125)

Hi Lal. Here is the sutta that Johnny might be referring to. Sutta SN 25.1 Cakkhusutta The Eye : “Someone who has faith and confidence in these principles is called…

What is the significance of these 4 moon days in Buddha Dhamma?

Quotes are from the following links: a) “For monastics, these are often days of more intensive reflection and meditation. In many monasteries physical labor (construction projects, repairs,…