Difference between Tanha and Upadana

…clinging/grasping/holding on to? 2) upadana= attachment/clinging/grasping/holding on to? 3) In the Paticca Samuppāda cycle, upadana comes after tanha. Thus upadana is a consequence of tanha? Once you crave something, you…

Reply To: Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala

…down right there on the ground. Seeing the drawbacks of the body, my mind was then set free. https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/thig/thig.01.00x.than.html#sutta-1 Can we really know the conditions for such breaktrough moments? Sieb…

Reply To: Kammic Outcomes of Ambiguous Behavior

…christian morals…remorse,redemption and salvation. But of course there is a fondamental difference : in puredhamma underlying remorse,redemption and salvation there is an effort towards the understanding and integration of profound

Reply To: Kammic Outcomes of Ambiguous Behavior

Yeos said: “comes to my mind…: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn35/sn35.028.nymo.html “The eye is burning, forms are burning, eye-consciousness is burning, eye-contact is burning,..” The sutta is Adittapariyaya Sutta (SN 35.28): The sutta is…

Reply To: Approach to Dhamma

…as a “beginner.” This applies only to certain types of people but we all know this can be pretty common. Especially people with a higher intellect. 2.) I just used…