Reply To: Early Buddhism vs Theravada

I hadn’t heard of Chinese Agama before so I did a little check. I found a website where Agama is accessible. Interestingly, it’s linked to as an English…

Kasina meditation?

From “The Buddha consenting, Santati rose to a height of seven toddy-palms into the sky and there, while meditating on the element of fire (tejo kasina), he passed away…

Ledi Sayadaw and Translations

…it, that the “mistranslations” have been there only with the English scholars? What do you think about Ledi Sayadaw? Was he wrong or mistranslated? The Book: Best wishes, Daniel…

Reply To: Namaskaraya and Tisarana Vandana

Link to sutta where buddha describes various ways in which Puthujjano praises the buddha and buddha describes how they should actually do it. And it’s in Brahmajala Sutta!!!…

Infinite consciousness, and a façade of eternal bliss?

…because I’ll post the reference below.) reference: “Poor boy, the mountains couldn’t give what you wanted.” Master spoke caressively, comfortingly. His calm gaze was unfathomable. “Your heart’s desire shall be…

Reply To: Could bodily pain be due causes other than kamma vipaka?

…foot, in the last 4 lines at the bottom of the page. Relevant to your marathon question; In the Pubbakamma Pilotika Therapadana, the Buddha says how he insulted a…