Sakkāya Diṭṭhi and Tilakkhana

…basic principles: anicca, dukkha, and anatta. Here we will examine this relationship, which will help get rid of sakkāya diṭṭhi. Definition of Sakkāya Diṭṭhi 2. Sakkāya diṭṭhi is defined in…

Reply To: Respect

…about it, they respect their parents too, their whole community cares about it, you insult this you insult their community, they are close to their community etc can make you…

Reply To: Post on Five Aggregates – Introduction

…may sound “exotic” but once one understands the principles, they are no longer myths. See, “Pāramitā and Niyata Vivarana – Myths or Realities?” By the way, my understanding becomes more…

Reply To: Bhava: Seed of Consciousness

…need to start from the first principles. P.S. I just saw your latest comment where you wrote: “Dipohasadhamma mentioned “I am (at present) at a loss for WHAT this seed…