Reply To: Early Buddhism vs Theravada

…bit too many to my liking). And I did find passages saying all the aggregates were “impermanent,” not surprisingly. Aggregates: 色,受,想,行,识 Impermanence: 无常 “No-self:” “无我” Note that the Chinese on…

A Meditation Table on Anicca from SN 56.11

…than one thought before. It is not something which comes and goes here and there , then and now. Life, Youth and Vigour and Health, joy and happiness, pain and…

Kasina meditation?

From “The Buddha consenting, Santati rose to a height of seven toddy-palms into the sky and there, while meditating on the element of fire (tejo kasina), he passed away…

Reply To: Namaskaraya and Tisarana Vandana

Link to sutta where buddha describes various ways in which Puthujjano praises the buddha and buddha describes how they should actually do it. And it’s in Brahmajala Sutta!!!…

A confusion related to attaining the fourth path in a pure abode:

…Once again, sir, thank you! I have been reading “A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada” by Venerable. Mahasi Sayadaw In this chapter it says that Venerable Ugga obtained Arhatship in the…