Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

Sir, you are absolutely right when you say the instructors don’t know what is samphassa ja vedana, most of them don’t but there may be a few who do. I…

Bahiya Sutta and Creation of Sensuality in mind.

…type of mindset/bhava and also samphassa-jā-vedanā. Everyone is seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching the same thing yet, different mindset arises for everyone. In all this cases the sound is just…

Reply To: Kāma Guna, Kāma, Kāma Rāga, Kāmaccanda

…You mentioned: In my opinion, the first four Jhānas are capable of “Samphassa-jā-vēdanā” to delete/overwrite these storages Currently I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with this since I have not or…

Reply To: Two kinds of samphassa?

1. Paṭighasamphassa is easier. – Paṭigha is a weaker form of dosa. – Thus. in samphassa-ja-vedana, paṭighasamphassa can be understood. 2. Adhivacana means “another name” for something. – For example,…

Reply To: Question on PañcaUpādānaKhandha …

Is it correct to think of pañcupādānakkhandhā in the following way: pañcupādānakkhandhā is pañcakkhandha such that: vedanākkhandha comprises samphassa ja vedanā, saññākkhandha comprises avijja, or saññā of nicca, sukha, atta,…

Reply To: Anicca in Abhidhamma

…(Consequences of samphassa is Aniccā) Upādāna is not to liking. (Consequences of upādāna is Aniccā) Tanha is not to liking. (Consequences of tanha is Aniccā) Having seperation from liked is…

Reply To: Nirodha Samapatti

…and Rūpa) And fourth one (nibbanā) are mutually exclusive. Nibbanā is complete absence of suffering after parinibbana. Eradication of suffering caused by samphassa-jā-vēdanā during last jati in case of Arhant….