Difference between Phassa and Samphassa

…More details on how “samphassa” leads to samphassa-jā-vēdanā at: “Vedana (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways,” “Vipāka Vēdanā and “Samphassa jā Vēdanā” in a Sensory Event,” and “Dukkha Samudaya Starts With…

Vipāka Vēdanā and “Samphassa jā Vēdanā” in a Sensory Event

…with “adukkhamasukha.” Three Types of “Mind-MadeVēdanā” (Samphassa-jā-Vēdanā) 13. Samphassa-jā-vedanā similarly belong to three major types: dōmanassa vedanā, sōmanassa vedanā, and upekkha vedanā. The word “dōmanassa” comes from “dō + manasa”…

Vedanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways

…Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā).” But we can get an idea by looking at some examples. Some Examples of Samphassa-jā-Vedanā 7. A samphassa-jā-vedanā arises due to attachment via greed or…

Loka Sutta – Origin and Cessation of the World

…Tipiṭaka. The above explanation of “phassa” as “samphassa” is given here: “Paṭiccasamuppāda vibhaṅga.” For details, see “Difference between Phassa and Samphassa.” “Phassa Paccayā Vedanā” Is “Samphassa Paccayā Samphassa-Jā-Vēdanā.” 6. (Step…

Dukkha Samudaya Starts With Samphassa-Jā-Vedanā

…is samphassa-jā-vēdanā: Samphassa led to “Samphassa-jā-vedanā.” Therefore, the “extra vedanā” made up by the mind is the “samphassa-jā-vedanā.” Here, “jā” means “generated with.” That vedanā was generated by samphassa (san…

Indriya Make Phassa and Āyatana Make Samphassa

…But “samphassa” rhymes better. In the same way, “sansāra” (“san” + “sāra” or “good”) is commonly pronounced — and written — as “samsāra“. No Samphassa for an Arahant 7. An…

Pāli Suttās in Tipiṭaka – Direct Translations are Wrong

…paccayā abhisaṅkhāra; abhisaṅkhāra paccayā kamma viññāna; kamma viññāna paccayā nāmarūpa, nāmarūpa paccayā salāyatana, salāyatana paccayā samphassō, samphassa paccayā samphassa-jā-vēdanā, samphassa-jā-vēdanā paccayā taṇhā, taṇhā paccayā upādāna, upādāna paccayā bhavō, bhava paccayā…