Nāma & Rūpa to Nāmarūpa

…is described in sequence. Kamma Viññāna is not strictly mental and is responsible for the Nāmarūpa Formation leading to the arising of rupa. Mental Aggregates (Except Kamma Viññāna) Vedana –…

Reply To: What is dukkha dukkha?

Akvan said: “According to this sutta, the bodily pain is referred to as duka vedana. Both the ariya and anariya will feel this duka vedana. But there is second duka…

Anicca Nature and Anger

vedana, which leads to Samphassa Ja Vedana, and based on X’s Gati, he/she would act with Sankhara. So what’s X’s desire here? To carry on with anger to fulfill that…

Assāda, Ādīnava, Nissarana

…Arise in Two Ways Feelings: Sukha, Dukha, Somanassa, and Domanassa What is “Kāma”? It is not Just Sex Kāma Assāda Start with Phassa Paccaya Vedana or Samphassa Ja Vedana  …

Reply To: Utuja kaya of Gandhabba

…it can still “smell” aromas, where a fruit-rupa is making contact directly with ghāna-dasaka? Another (a bit related question): Samphassa-ja-vedana create rupa that are radiating out from the cittaja kaya,…

Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

…Dukkha Dukkha is from Vedana that arises in two ways. One from mentally (samphassa ja-vedana, my gati,asava’s getting attached) and another physically (such as physical ailments, pain). I know Lal…