Ordering of terms in Paticca Samuppada

For us to generate abhisankhara, defiled vinnana, salyatana, samphassa, samphassa ja vedana, are we not attached to the vipaka (have tanha for it) in the first place? Why is tanha…

Reply To: Paccaya

…is. Therefore, the paccaya in the ‘samphassa paccaya samphassa-jā-vedanā’ step is the certain types of anusaya or sangati corresponding to the given ārammaṇa. Is it okay to understand like this?…

Asanna realm

…“puts together a citta” by automatically incorporating other relevant cetasika according to one’s “gati.” Ekaggata is the salient factor in Samādhi. Consciousness cannot arise without phassa. Note that samphassa differs…

Reply To: About Jati and Ayatana

…mind. This leads to samphassa, samphassa ja vedana, tanha, and upadana. On the other hand, “bhava paccaya jati” emphasizes the sequences that follow bhava. This leads to jati paccaya jara…

Reply To: About Jati and Ayatana

samphassa ja vedana, tanha, and upadana. On the other hand, “bhava paccaya jati” emphasizes the consequences that follow bhava. This leads to jati paccaya jara maranam soka parideva dukkha domanassam…

Reply To: Vitakkasanthana sutta

samphassa-ja-vedana. See, “Dukkha Samudaya Starts With Samphassa-Jā-Vedanā” – That is when we start acting with avijja, i.e., that is when we start doing (abhi) sankhara with “avijja paccaya sankhara”. 3….

Reply To: Question on PañcaUpādānaKhandha …

…2. Thoughts with “viparita (distorted) sanna” (sanna vipallasa) and “samphassa-ja-vedana” arise COULD arise due to such contacts. – Then based on those “mind-made” sanna and vedana, vinnana (future expectations) arise…