Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…I presume to be Samphassa-ja-vedana arises and “turns”, cycling between intense dukkha vedana and intense sukha vedana based on the “phase” of the wave. Involuntary kaya-sankhara can show up at…

Reply To: Question on Dukkha Vedana

…samphassō, samphassa paccayā smphassa-ja-vēdanā, smphassa-ja-vēdanā paccayā taṇhā, taṇhā paccayā upādāna, upādāna paccayā bhavō, bhava paccayā jāti, jāti paccayā jarā, marana, soka-paridēva-dukkha-dōmanassupāyasā sambhavan’ti” “Uddesa” and “niddesa” levels of explanations are important…

Reply To: Post on Five Aggregates – Introduction

…“Parinibbana” or “anupadisesa Nibbaba” or “complete Nibbana.” – Until then it is “saupadisesa Nibbana” or “Nibbana with residue.” Only “samphassa-ja-vedana” part of the suffering is eliminated during that remaining time….

Reply To: Vipaka Sapa from Dhamma Loka

…vipaka. They are called “samphassa ja vedana”. They are also called “somanassa/domanassa vedana”. Arahant DO NOT experience those.” Say an arahant is served some tasty food. Would the arahant think…

Aṭṭha Purisa Puggalā- Eight Noble Persons

…rūpa, viññāṇa, samphassa, samphassajā vedanā, rūpasaññā, rūpasañcetanā, rūpataṇhā, dhātu, and the five types of khandha (i.e., pancakkhandha). Time Limits for other Noble Persons to Attain Arahanthood 7. The time limits…