Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

Mr. Goenka teaches the students to practice samphassa-ja-vedana in ones daily activities. The meditation prepares one for the daily encounters in life. He says when we have an encounter with…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…bottom line is Vedananupassana is about “samphassa-ja-vedana.” – Trying to attach that to bodily vedana cannot be justified in any way. Of course, one can contemplate the anicca nature of…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…one needs to be mindful about “samphassa-ja-vedana” via defiled thoughts, as I explained in my first response to the comments by raj. – There, I gave references to read. –…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…now, I’m thinking that “vedanā” in this verse means samphassa-ja vedanā, not sukha and dukkha vedanā. Is that correct? For me, noting bodily sensations does have one benefit: it calms…

Concepts of Upādāna and Upādānakkhandha

April 3, 2021 Important concepts of upādāna and upādānakkhandha are discussed in this subsection: Loka Sutta – Origin and Cessation of the World Dukkha Samudaya Starts With Samphassa-Jā-Vedanā Key Steps…

Reply To: Indriya bhavana/good deeds/ayatana

…example: -Phassa is just phassa, and not yet samphassa at this initial stage. -Sanna is not yet nicca/sukha/atta. -Vedana is neither amisa sukha nor amisa dukha. At this early stage,…

Reply To: post on dasa akusala

…even kamma vipaka of significance during lifetimes (like getting injured). Thre following post and other posts referred to there can provide more information: “Vipāka Vēdanā and “Samphassa jā Vēdanā” in…

Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

…Dukkha Dukkha is from Vedana that arises in two ways. One from mentally (samphassa ja-vedana, my gati,asava’s getting attached) and another physically (such as physical ailments, pain). I know Lal…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…I presume to be Samphassa-ja-vedana arises and “turns”, cycling between intense dukkha vedana and intense sukha vedana based on the “phase” of the wave. Involuntary kaya-sankhara can show up at…