Aṭṭha Purisa Puggalā- Eight Noble Persons

…rūpa, viññāṇa, samphassa, samphassajā vedanā, rūpasaññā, rūpasañcetanā, rūpataṇhā, dhātu, and the five types of khandha (i.e., pancakkhandha). Time Limits for other Noble Persons to Attain Arahanthood 7. The time limits…

Reply To: On Akusala Citta and Akusala Vipāka Citta

…that “mind-made vedanā” arises via “distorted saññā” (automatically), and another arises via “samphassa-jā-vedanā” a split-second later. I have not discussed that in detail yet, but it is good to keep…