Reply To: The Six Sextets

M 148 Chachakka Sutta (and “contact”) are also discussed in the post: “Difference between Phassa and Samphassa“….

Reply To: Nirodha Samapatti

…and Rūpa) And fourth one (nibbanā) are mutually exclusive. Nibbanā is complete absence of suffering after parinibbana. Eradication of suffering caused by samphassa-jā-vēdanā during last jati in case of Arhant….

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…now, I’m thinking that “vedanā” in this verse means samphassa-ja vedanā, not sukha and dukkha vedanā. Is that correct? For me, noting bodily sensations does have one benefit: it calms…

Reply To: Ghandhabba, Jati, Vinnana (Consciousness)

…of the latest post mentioned above: 4. To put it another way, the alcoholic will automatically generate pañcupādānakkhandha which will have “samphassa-jā-vedanā” in his vedanākkhandha. Along with vedanākkhandha, other khandā…

Reply To: Utuja kaya of Gandhabba

…it can still “smell” aromas, where a fruit-rupa is making contact directly with ghāna-dasaka? Another (a bit related question): Samphassa-ja-vedana create rupa that are radiating out from the cittaja kaya,…