Reply To: DN 34 Dasuttarasutta

Yes, Great Explanation. Then the question arises, Why is it so hard to accept the vipakā as it is? My understanding is that, Avijjā → Defiled Gati/Anusaya → triggered by…

Reply To: Compilation of my thoughts

…that they’re not looking at the same thing. This is why rupa ayatana is all personal and mental. It is made by the mind and reflects one’s personal preferences(gati, anusaya)….

Reply To: Difference Between Dhammā and Sankhāra

Firewns: I just published a post: “Dhamma, Sankhara, Sankata, Rupa, Vinnana, Gati, Asava, Anusaya“. Hopefully, this will answer some of the questions you may still have. Please don’t hesitate to…

Reply To: Fearing Nibbana

…about citta’s, citta vitthi’s, cetasika’s, rupa’s, gati’s, anusaya, cravings etc. It does not deal with our real identity. Cetasika’s are just mental formations, not mine, not I, not myself. This…

Reply To: Dovacassatāsutta AN 6.115

…breathing CAN BE give up a distracted mind temporarily. It WILL NOT help remove any anusaya/bad gati! In the same way, “good friends” that one associates to have a good…

Reply To: Compilation of my thoughts

Yes. That is correct. An Arahant would see, hear, etc., but not have ayatana since they don’t have anusaya or gati. Thus, there will be no abhisankhara generated based on…