Reply To: Recycled Substance

…was blackest at the core (rotten seeds, haha). In a moment of samphassa >> akusala mula PS cycle, I showed it to my roommate and unmindfully said “I’m not getting…

Recycled Substance

…if everything is cyclic? For example, a normal person colors (generates sankhāra/samphassa) when a kamma vipāka (which is kammic neutral) appears to make new kammic energy. So, in the case…

Reply To: What is dukkha dukkha?

…be considered a form of sankhara dukkha?” – Yes. The only suffering that stops for a Buddha or an Arahant DURING the life is “samphassa ja vedana“; see, “Vēdanā (Feelings)…

Reply To: What is dukkha dukkha?

…in worrying about it. The mental suffering that will be stopped totally at the Arahant phala moment is also called “samphassa ja vedana“; see, “Vēdanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways“….

Reply To: Tilakhanna III

Can heat in the mind, tapa, be a kamma vipaka or is it Always a samphassa ja vedana, a domanassa vedana? For me, it feels more like it can be…

Reply To: Tilakhanna III

Seeing that samphassa is (summing up alot) to react to events through likings /dislikings and phassa is to react without likings and dislikings than a good gathi or the best…