Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

Oops, sorry, I must have given Lal the wrong URL: නිවන් දකින හරිමග කුමක්ද ? | With English Subtitles…

Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (Lotus Sutra) – A Focused Analysis

…any Pāli sutta that is in the Tipiṭaka:ā.htm One could compare this sutrā with the actual Pāli suttās that I started discussing; see “Sutta Interpretation – Uddēsa, Niddēsa, Paṭiniddēsa,”…

Excellent Sinhala Discourses by a Young Thero

…Buddha Dhamma with such insight at such a young age, he is likely to be a Jāti Sotapanna. Those who understand the Sinhala language can follow these discourses at:…

Reply To: Arahanthood Without Purpose

When Ven. Moggallana was Dusi by name? Maratajjaniya sutta MN 50 ? I only found an audio of it and have no time to listen to it right now. /…

Reply To: Questions about Bhante Waharaka

…monks is in English. You can search for the sermons on youtube “Dharmayai Obai BBE”. Below is a link to one such sermon. BBE stands for Budhu Bana English.…

Lord Buddha’s Relics

Theruwan Saranai Dhamma friends!!! Sharing an amazing information which is very intriguing. Hope you get to acknowledge the amazing qualities of our Lord Buddha. Here is the link: Now…

Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary

…manic episode.. being mentally-ill makes for I guess you could call “Life On Hard-Mode” =P — and to have these playing throughout the house instead of hard rock:…