Theory of relativity and Citta (There are definitely better movies out there, but this was the first one I found in English.) Theory of Reativity and Citta Now I have a question about Albert…

Gandhabba: Lying in Wait for Appropriate Womb

…“What is Realism in Quantum Mechanics and How Can it be Non-local” (Wechlser, Sofia), “Non-locality and Entanglement,” Please note: With these readings I am not looking for specific answers,…

There is new study about dark matter

…longer have that property and act just like regular matter and pulling the universe together, maybe even back to the singularity. This video he goes briefly about the subject:…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma – Hindi Website

…benefit of ourselves as well as many others. The website is: Lal: If you think that it is not appropriate to post about this here, I am happy to…

Reply To: Sotapanna information from the Sutta-pitaka

…that the 7 lives that a saththakathuparama has left doesn’t really refer to bava. This deshana is specifically answering a question about this specific topic in the Janavasabha Sutta.…

Importance of lotus in Buddhism

…site of the Bodhi-pallanka when the earth gradually emerges after the destruction of the world (DA.ii.411). Is that one of the reasons why the lotuses are important in buddhism?…

Multiverse: Different Physical Laws and Different Dhamma?

In Prof Stephen Hawking’s multiverse finale “As physicists analysed the idea it emerged that it carried with it the implication that the Big Bang would create not just one…

Reply To: Tilakhanna III

…not in the anatta (totally helpless) state during his life. If you want to see real dukha and real anatta, please watch the video “Earthlings” at this site: I…

Reply To: If You Were To Die Tomorrow…

…responding to the original post in this series, I mentioned the story of the weaver’s daughter, and my impression was that death awareness practice does remove defilements. Best, Lang…