Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

Waharaka Thero – Universal Truth Exposure | Episode 07 – Know the Thilakuna Have I understood this correctly? At 39:57 of the video. The subtitle says the “Dukkhaskandha (the…

Vipaka Sapa from Dhamma Loka

…A vipaka sapa(sukha) vedana that even an Arahant experiences. Here Venerable Abhaya explains it (it is in Sinhala which I cannot understand): “Thus, “seeing” event is a neutral vēdanā,…

Reply To: Experience with Anapanasati + My Esoteric Background

…of energy into the hadya-vatthu, located two digits to the right of your sternum. *Adi Da describes his meditation technique, a little different from Mr. Gardner’s, in this chapter.…

Reply To: How to cope with loneliness

Hi Wta, I recommend you listen to the discourses from the following Youtube channel: Beginning from the first discourse right at the bottom #105 (currently). Because you have read…

Reply To: How to cope with loneliness

…it’s happy in your place, what does it mean? You suffering is because you trying to keep things to your own satisfaction but world is Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.…

Reply To: How to cope with loneliness

…trying to fix the “bugs” in new software. The following is a comment from Johnny. Hi wta, This is the desana I was referring to. Story begins at 53:29.…