Reply To: Tilakhanna III

Glad to discover another bhante who has the right understanding of Anicca and Anatta. Link to the discourse below for your perusal. Starting from 01:41:51.…

Reply To: Ledi Sayadaw and Translations

…teaching only after 1903, when he had 3 years (or so) of retreat and (probably) practice of Visudhimagga. According to: He must have been knowledgable of Abhidhamma, but not…

Reply To: sankhara as support for rebirth

…of the mind after clinical death, here is one of the videos: The minority of the scientists seem to arrive at the tip of the iceberg as of now….

Reply To: what does ending of sakkaya ditthi really mean?

…Anatta explanation and other than that, it is a good place to understand on Nibbana. In the Jatasutta of the Samyutta Nikāya, Buddha hints on Nibbana as under: Yattha…

Best Course on Abhidhamma (Anatomy of Mind) by Bhante Rahula & Caranapali

…youtube channel Abhidhamma – Anatomy of the Mind Abhidhamma Course Playlist or you can visit their website Thanks to all, hope all of you benefit from this course….

Reply To: A method for jhana

To start, the method I recommend is to follow your breath in the way it’s described here: – It works for me and others. Kasinas work for me as…

Reply To: Sakkaya vs Sakkaya ditthi

…Saddhu saddhu saddhu “pancupadanakkhandha is a subset of pancakkhandha” – Geez . . . never thought of it that way . . . Tremendous help. “I tend to think…

Reply To: Split Reincarnation

…advised to “enter the body” of the 3,5 year old child by a “sadu” (holy spirit/Gandhabba). Another interesting case is that of It is interesting because there is a…

Reply To: Sakkaya vs Sakkaya ditthi

…*** Just wondering, have I understood properly what is being taught in the video below in regards to the difference between Sakkaya and Sakkaya ditthi? *** From what I…