Ten Immoral Actions (Dasa Akusala)

…views. (i) Everything has sprung without a cause (ahētuka diṭṭhi). (ii) Good and bad produce no effect (akiriya diṭṭhi). (iii) There is no afterlife (natthika diṭṭhi). A common form of…

Dhamma and Science – Introduction

…gathered by hundreds of other scientists. The Buddha, in comparison, discovered the complete set of laws about the WHOLE EXISTENCE through his efforts. That includes the way inert matter behaves…

Where to Start on the Path?

…may want to read the excellent book, “The Beginning of Infinity” by David Deutsch (2011) IF you are interested in a “scientific opinion”; actually, the descriptions are very similar in…

“The Language of God” by Francis Collins

…leading to the appearance of a “human-like” creature, even though the theory explains the evolution of more complex animals. He leaves it open whether this creature further evolved to be…

Reply To: Monkhood:List of the 227 rules of Pātimokkha

…you can download the Pāli sources (five books in four volumns) of those stories (referred as Commentary [aṭṭhakathā]) usually ascribed to Bhikkhu Buddhaghosa. Also, download the “The Dhammapada: Verses and…

Evidence for Rebirth

…of three and wrote a history of Rome at six years of age. Babington Macaulay wrote a compendium of world history at age six. Beethoven gave public concerts when he…