Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

…various topics; Following Link (↓) is for video playlist series, Know the Thilukhuna – Let’s learn the reality of world precisely. Eight videos in total. Following last videos…

Ārammaṇa (Sensory Input) Initiates Critical Processes

…where the “Upavāṇasandiṭṭhika Sutta (SN 35.70)” is discussed using a visual sensory input (compared to the taste input here.) It is critical to understand these points. Download/Print: “Sequence of Kamma…

Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation

…when I first introduced the “purāna kamma” stage briefly. We have discussed the concepts of the following chart previously without using the terms “purāna kamma” and “nava kamma.“ Download/Print: “Purāna…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…of the meeting on your discord group. Also thanks to Mr. Seng Kiat Sir for suggesting the “voov meeting”. But the links you gave are not working.  …

Consequence of Not Comprehending Anicca

…intent is not to put down this bhante (I myself is vegetarian), but to share with everyone here the consequence of not comprehending Anicca enough can be disastrous.…

Reply To: First noble truth

Just would like to share something that might be of benefit to others in understanding about the 4 noble truths. from 19:40-29:02 minutes. This is the only resource/material in…

Reply To: Past Memories

… from time to time. In one particular case, the subject describes the interval state (the bottom of the page). Here they call it a spirit being orb. Lang…

Reply To: Difference Between Dukkha Saccha & Dukkha Ariya Saccha

Dear Lal, Here is the link from, “දුක්ඛ සත්‍ය” සහ “දුක්ඛ ආර්ය සත්‍ය” අතර වෙනස කුමක්ද? ( Also, if the above one is not accessible. Mettha, Ravi….

Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong

…teacher is Anagami, probably. He can stay in Nirodha Samapati for up to 6 days! Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Raikkonen…

Infinity – How Big Is It?

…“The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World” by David Deutsch. Infinity is a mind-boggling concept. For example, one question that comes up frequently is the following. We have…