
This Sutta may shed some more light on the…

Various Suttas translation explaining many misconceptions Many of those suttas explains misconceptions related to food one can have etc. the essence of what really matters. They are not perfect translation probably but the meaning can…

the effects of practices and contemplations.

…happened? Due to this practice many bhikkhu’s committed suicide. I think this is an example of a serieus issue. The issue of the effect of certain practices on us….

Reply To: Kammic Outcomes of Ambiguous Behavior

Yeos said: “comes to my mind…: “The eye is burning, forms are burning, eye-consciousness is burning, eye-contact is burning,..” The sutta is Adittapariyaya Sutta (SN 35.28): The sutta is…

Reply To: Kammic Outcomes of Ambiguous Behavior

…And at the right moment that i’m writing the latter it suddenly comes to my mind…: “The eye is burning, forms are burning, eye-consciousness is burning, eye-contact is burning,…

Reply To: Four Conditions for Attaining Sōtapanna Magga/Phala

…down right there on the ground. Seeing the drawbacks of the body, my mind was then set free. Can we really know the conditions for such breaktrough moments? Sieb…