Reply To: 5 Hindrances

Thank you for the clarification of vicikicca, and especially the added explanation of khanka vicikicca. I did some searching and found this: Mahanama Sutta I wonder if this is…

Reflections on 2015

www in the address line: It should just be: Normally, typing just “” should direct to Or, one could Google search “puredhamma” and the link will come out…

Schizophrenia and the mind

Hi All, I recently read an article on Schizophrenia. I was curious about what is defined as “Positive symptoms”: What is it that causes patients to Hear or see…

Attitude towards kamaloka devas

From “It is a common belief amongst the Buddhist public that such deities can be influenced to grant their favours by transferring merits to them whenever meritorious deeds are…

Reply To: SN 44.10 With Ānanda / Ānandasutta

… This dictionary states anattā (n. and predicative adj.) not a soul, without a soul. Most freq. in combn. with dukkha & anicca There seems to be no difference…

Correct translation of this beauiful Goenka chant

Hello there :) Lal, could you please translate this beautiful buddhist chant correctly if your have some time? My intuitions are such, that some words of this chant could…

Girimananda Sutta (AN 10:60) Any chance that we get full translation or exposition like Satipatthana? This translation have plenty of mistakes….