Photons Are Particles Not Waves

…he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 — and those quanta were given the name photon; they are the original “quanta” of quantum mechanics. Compton (Compton 1923) confirmed…

Illegal downloading

…We’ve all done it, downloading pirated material, there are plenty of copy right, laws protecting data. Downloading educational material, software’s, etc, but habitually we might be tempted to find a…

Does the Hell (Niraya) Exist?

…described a “much wider” world of 31 realms, compared to the just two realms (human and animal) that we experience. See “The Grand Unified Theory of Dhamma.” The Buddhist worldview…

Buddhism without Rebirth and Nibbāna?

…Buddhism, but they cannot understand what the big deal is about rebirth, and they cannot comprehend what Nibbāna is. Thinking is: Why can’t we have Buddhism without rebirth (because I…

How Habits are Formed and Broken – A Scientific View

…realms. Understanding that will also lead to the following realization: (i) No “soul/ātman” travels the rebirth process (removal of sakkāya diṭṭhi.) (ii) One creates the causes for future rebirths. (iii)…

Five Aggregates – Introduction

…stimulated by an external sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or memory. The first five come through our five physical senses, and the sixth is the thoughts that come to our…

Sabba Pāpassa Akaranaṃ….

…it will open the file in a new window. Right-click on the screen and choose “Save as..” to save the file to your computer. Download Next, “Appamadö Amata Padam….“, …………

Difference between Phassa and Samphassa

“Samphassa” must be used for “phassa” in “phassa paccayā vēdanā” in Akusala-Mula Paṭicca Samuppāda. Revised November 6, 2018; June 2, 2019; re-written May 7, 2021 Download/Print: “12. Phassa and Samphassa“…

What is Unique in Buddha Dhamma?

…suffering one may experience in this life is nothing compared to the harsh suffering in some other realms in the rebirth process. Understanding that constitutes the first (mundane) path. The…

Buddha Dhamma – In a Chart

I have made a single page chart that shows the uniqueness of the Buddha’s message, and also outlines the Path that he suggested clearly. Download/Print: “A. Buddha Dhamma – In…